General Application Information
Before applying, please take your time and read the information provided on this website, especially regarding the program fees and admission requirements. As we are currently overhauling our complete online system, there will be no automated notifications about your registration, passing the pre-check, request to upload documents, etc. until further notice. Thank you for your understanding!
Application Period
The application period for GPE Berlin starts on October 1 and ends on March 31. The application period for GPE Digital starts on October 1 and ends on June 15.
The application to the GPE study program is exclusively handled via our online system. You cannot apply via uni-assist.
Application Procedure
1. Register in our online system »here«. The username should be without special characters or blank spaces. The password should be without special characters and longer than 7 digits. 2. Login In case you have forgotten your password and/or login, please click on "Forgot Access" via this page. Please note that you have to enter the E-Mail address you have registered with. In case you did not receive any E-Mail – after also checking your spam folder – please let us know.
3. Complete data After successful login please enter the required data in the "User" and "Application" tab.

Upon completion of entering your data, please click "Update" at the bottom of the page.
4. Submission After you have completed and submitted your application it can be evaluated.
5. What is coming next? If you fulfill the minimum requirements and pass the pre-check, you will be asked to upload your documents. Your documents will then be verified and assessed. In case of a final positive evaluation you will be notified. Therefore, you are asked to regularly look for the stage you reached during the application process.
Admission – Announcement
The admission team is striving to finish the evaluation of all applications by the end of May. In case you have been selected for admission, you will receive an E-Mail with a conditional acceptance letter. Waiting List As the number of available seats in this program is limited, a waiting list will be established and applicants have the option to be granted waiting list status. Not all admissions may be accepted so that candidates from the waiting list may be considered and offered admission. Until the middle of July all seats should be allotted. Please understand that we cannot provide application statuses before the end of the application period to comply with the admission regulation of the Technische Universität Berlin.
We are looking forward to receiving your application!
IMPORTANT 1. The application procedure is done exclusively online or by E-Mail. 2. Multiple inquiries do not expedite the processing, nor are they helping in being positively evaluated (quite the contrary).