GPE Community
GPE Community as a career network The GPE information system will help you keep in touch and build up networks with alumni from all intakes. Publications like the TU International keep alumni informed of current events at the Technical University. Events such as the graduation ceremony with its ceremonial presentation of diplomas and the Christmas Party are opportunities for the alumni to reunite and come together with younger students, the faculty, their university, and all the memories they have had from Berlin.
Furthermore, our alumni have been active for years in the Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, which every year is hosted in a different location on the globe - the latest venues have been in the USA, China and - the conferences "home" - Berlin. Alumni are also networked with each other through Facebook and LinkedIn for job offers, business cooperation or research projects.
Visit our GPE Alumni group on LinkedIn!
GPE Alumni Workshop “Industry 4.0: State-of-the Art, Challenges and Opportunities” October 31st – November 4th, 2022