Our lecturers come both from academia and the industry
As for the content of our modules, we aim to create a balance between scientific, academic excellence and practical industrial experience among the teaching staff in order to provide students with a comprehensive picture of global production engineering. To this end, we co-operate with luminaries from academia on the one hand to build up sound theoretical knowledge and with experienced managers from the industrial sector on the other to gain valuable insights into the real practices of industry.
Meet the most important persons of GPE
Our lecturers come both from academia and the industry
As for the content of our modules, we aim to create a balance between scientific, academic excellence and practical industrial experience among the teaching staff in order to provide students with a comprehensive picture of global production engineering. To this end, we co-operate with luminaries from academia on the one hand to build up sound theoretical knowledge and with experienced managers from the industrial sector on the other to gain valuable insights into the real practices of industry.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger
Founder of GPE
Since the foundation of Global Production Engineering in 1997, Professor Seliger has always been the driving force for the program. Parallel to teaching and education, he recognised the absolute necessity of shaping our value creation networks in a sustainable way. Ever since, this topic was an integral part of GPE’s curriculum.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger
Dean of GPE
The teaching approach of GPE, preparing students for both science and the industry, is best represented through Professor Kohl, who is not only the Dean of GPE, but Chair of the research group for Sustainable Corporate Development at TU Berlin, doing fundamental research and Deputy Director of the Fraunhofer IPK, transforming technology from science into the industry.