Campus Life

TU Berlin and the Production Technology Centre

Between the main campus and the Institute

The central campus of the TU Berlin is located in the heart of the district of Charlottenburg in the centre of Berlin. The main part of the campus follows the axis of the “Straße des 17. Juni”. This includes the main building, the mathematics, chemistry, physics faculties, and the architectural building. Close by is the main library, as well as the biggest of the many cafeterias of TU Berlin. Maps of the campus can be found on the TU Berlin website.

TU Berlin students have access to the full range of literature and information the library has to offer in physical and digital form. Students also have access to a wide range of digital services and software, such as an Office 360 Campus licence. In addition to its wide range of study programmes, the TU also offers a variety of extra-curricular activities such as sports courses, artistic and political groups, language courses, music and much more. It is worth browsing through the pages of the TU website to find out what is available, most of which is free of charge.

While the main campus evolves around the main building, most of Global Production Engineering’s teaching takes place in the Production Technology Centre (PTZ), about a 15-minute walk north of the main building. The PTZ is home to the TU Berlin’s Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Production and Design Technology (IPK), which work closely together transform the TU Berlin’s basic research into tangible industry solutions. This is also reflected in GPE’s curriculum, which integrates research methodology and real-life industrial practice, providing knowledge of both foundational engineering principles and their application and management.

Extracurricular Activities with GPE Students

We take the community that GPE has created seriously and want to nurture it. That’s why we organize regular activities outside the course times. The two biggest annual events are our Christmas Party and our Farewell Party. Another big event is our annual visit to the Hannover Messe, the largest trade fair in the world. Regular visits at companies, factories, and other seminars are also done quite often.

  • Farewell party of Intake 2021

Global Production Engineering is more than modules, courses, and exams. We want to make it a lifetime experience!

  • Student meeting at the GCSM 2024 in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Students at the Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing

In the GPE Projects module, we offer our students the opportunity to present outstanding project results at the Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, which is organized by the PTZ and held in a different country each year. They are supported in funding their travel to the conference and in travelling with our researchers. In this way, students learn at an early stage how scientific conferences are organized and can start to build their own network. The prerequisites for this are outstanding commitment and excellent project results.