The GPE program promotes technical competencies in production engineering disciplines, global value creation, development of manufacturing processes and tools, factory planning, production control, logistics, global supply chain management, sustainability, and sustainable manufacturing, modeling, and simulation, quality control, technology management, economic evaluation, and global management. The degree program offers a comprehensive qualification in booming renewable energy technologies, such as photovoltaics, wind energy, and hydropower. Relevant aspects from the production of renewable energy components, up to management, financing, law, and marketing aspects are addressed.
Global Production Engineering is a highly practical study program GPE gains its excellence from a strong science cluster in Berlin as well as co-operations with leading companies in the industry. The highly practical component of the study program enables students to make contact with company representatives so that they can identify new developments in the industry and match their curriculum with the required qualifications. Practical experience will be achieved through:
lectures by industry representatives
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Schacher – former CIO Volkswagen AG, Director of Production, Founder of GEDAS, today’s subsidiary T-Systems
- Dr.-Ing. Bastian Schumacher (Director Data Analysis and Simulation at SSI SCHÄFER)
- Dr.-Ing. Philipp Menn (Head of the Berlin Chamber of Crafts)
- Dr. Johannes von Hülsen (former CEO and Member of the Group Executive Council and Member of the Group Executive Council Globality Health, Senior Strategy Advisor to Board of Management Senior Strategy Advisor Board of Management Ada Health)
- Johannes Fischer (former Director of Production System at PAS & Lean Consultant at Boeing)
- Dr.-Ing. Philip Käser (Managing Director Käser Consulting GmbH)
- Dr.-Ing. Jens Palacios Neffke (Manager Baringa, Alstom, …)
- Dipl.-Ing. Jan Liersch (Founder and main shareholder of Key Wind Energy)
contents of teaching
- Quality Management (Six Sigma Yellow Belt)
- Lean Production
- Lean Management
- Simulation of Production Systems
- Supply Chain Management
- Enterprise Architecture & IT in the Automotive Industry
- Utilization of Wind Energy or PV Systems
- Method-Time Measurement (MTM)
- Global Integrated Management Systems
- Business Administration

visit different companies
- Volkswagen AG
- Daimler AG
- Porsche AG
- Faulhaber
- Siemens AG
- Bayer AG
- Blohm+Voss (Ship Building)
- Dieffenbacher (Presses)
- Gildemeister (Machine Tools)
- Miele (Household Appliances)
- Exhibitions like Hannover Messe, Inter Solar, New Energies Forum Feldheim
Industrial projects
- Siemens AG – Power Supply
- Airbus AG – Aircraft Business
- Management Engineers – Consulting
- Volkswagen – Automobile Industry
- Bosch – Industrial Solutions
- Mercedes Benz – Automotive Industry
Our cooperation partner for Solar renewables academy RENAC. They provide access to the New Energies Technologies Training Center. The goal of the Training Center is to demonstrate the functions of both individual elements as well as entire facilities for renewable energy technologies, thus giving students a consistent practical reference in their instruction. The center is equipped with the most modern simulation and real-life equipment, measuring instruments, as well as standard software for project development. It enables students to better understand the principles of renewable energy technology and to work with equipment and tools typically used in the industry.

Global Production Engineering is research-oriented The high competence in research results from the strong ties and integration of the study course with other institutes of the TU Berlin. Through the engagement and the initiative of students, new ideas can emerge and approaches in science can be improved. There are many possibilities, like cooperation in research projects, project-oriented exercises, a job as a student assistant, internships, or writing a Master's Thesis to gain insights into the state of the art of research and development and to follow a career in research in the field of the student's specialization. Many other features also ensure the achievement of knowledge in the state of the art research developments.
GPE lecturers from science and research

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann Director of IPK Institute, Head of the Department of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology TU Berlin, Fellow of the College International pour le Recherche en Productique (CIRP), Member of the Expert Committee for Research Centers in Chemnitz and Bremen of the German Research Foundation (FDG) and member of the scientific council of the Working Group of Industrial Research Associations (AIF) and the WGP - "Scientific Society for Production Engineering"

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Deputy Director of Fraunhofer IPK, Director Corporate Management at Fraunhofer IPK, Head of Department of Sustainable Corporate Development at TU Berlin, Member of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP) and Adjunct Professor for "Strategies for Business Excellence in Service and Industrial Management" of the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu and Chairman of the Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM)

Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger Emeritus, Retired Department Head of Assembly Technology and Factory Operations at TU Berlin, Fellow (Emeritus) of the College International pour la Recherche en Productique (CIRP), Member of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP), Founder and Chairman of the Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM)

Fabio D Angreagiovanni, Ph.D. First Class Research Scientist (CR1) at CNRS and UTC - Sorbonne University

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vera Susanne Rotter Head of the Department of Circular Economy and Recycling Technology at TU Berlin

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Send Professorship in General Business Administration at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Associated Researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Dmitry Ivanov Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management, Department of Business and Economics, Professor at Berlin School of Economics and Law - listed as "Global Highly Cited Researcher" in 2021

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem Head of the Department of Quality Science at TU Berlin

Dr. Georg von Richthofen Senior Researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Research Associate at ETH Zurich

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Julia Kowal Department head of Electrical Energy Storage Technology Institute of Energy and Automation Technology at TU Berlin
Guest Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Nabil Nasr (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA), Prof. Dr. Henrique Rozenfeld (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), Prof. Dr. Mitchell M. Tseng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China), Prof. Dr. Amory Lovins (Rocky Mountain Institute, USA), Prof. C. Scheffer (Stellenbosch University, South Africa), Prof. S Kara (University of New South Wales, Australia), Prof. Dr. Takata (Waseda University, Japan) and many more.
Integration of GPE Students as student research assistants and GPE alumni as research engineers (at present approx. 10 GPE student research assistants and approx. 5 GPE research engineers are employed at institutes of the TU Berlin) GPE Students have completed their internships in a variety of internationally highly respected companies, especially in the mechanical and electrical engineering industry. The interdisciplinary cooperation is established through the three faculties as well as research facilities which are involved in the management and organization of the study course. Research facilities that are engaged in the study course are the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the Production Technology Center in Berlin, and the Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum for information technology in Berlin.